
Making current IT better

The world is changing faster than ever before. To be a part of the future means to drive the continuous change and deliver continuous improvements. And this is our job to guide and assist our customers on this strategic journey.

We understand both the importance of legacy and the way of driving thoroughly evolutionary rather than revolutionary changes. We understand the complexity of large-scale IT environments and all the needs to enhance them based on already established foundations. We agent the change in the direction to create new added value based on agility, all through customer centric with focus on linkage to dynamic business changes ever.

Our experts are focused on enhancement both in process and technology side. We deliver to our clients comprehensive services for them to become part of the future.

What we can deal with for you

Gap Analysis

We analyse what was done, how to map this to the desired goals and identify and prioritize relevant gaps. We provide consultancy on all infrastructure level, application level or process alignment. We deliver both what is missing and the roadmap to achieve desired state too.

Change Management Consultancy

We believe the change is way forward only if it is managed correctly. We have experts for doing it the right way. Our project managers, architects and technicians have a proven track of delivering and managing the change both externally and also as part of the new in-house project delivery.

Performance Optimization

We know how to find the bottleneck, does not matter if in process, organization structure or technology. We have experts for every layer of IT systems and business as well. We analyse the root cause and then we deliver solution for better performance of our clients’ business.

Application Modernization

Having the strong applications alignment with business needs is the key for best performance of the organization. Refactoring, repurposing or consolidation of legacy software to align it more closely with current business needs is our daily job.

IT Transformation

We see specific demands coming out of application economy, where constant application updates, continuous deployment and integration, ongoing service delivery and demand for fasters application feature time to market implementation is a must. We are experienced in setting it up and running DevOps on everyday basis.

We work hard on helping your projects to be counted in:

overall successful IT projects*
projects meeting the goals**
in budget**
on time**

Yes, we are hardworking!

Source: *Standish Group, 2018, **Project Management Institute, 2018

Do you want to know more?

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